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Purple background with white writing that reads "An artist and activist are not so far apart" - Ava DuVernay.

Advocacy & Consultancy

A big part of what we do here at Inclusivity Films is advocacy - through narrative and documentary form, but also in the work we do to make change in the industry and in society.


Sarah has been advocating for accessibility in healthcare after experiencing inequality and discrimination firsthand, when taking her son to hospital and other healthcare settings. She has been working at a local level with her nearest NHS trust on developing Healthcare Passports for children with complex needs and disabilities. The development of the passports includes facilitating training, alongside clinical staff, that is targeted at all workers who are patient-facing. More on the development of the passports, and Sarah's reasons for doing it, can be found below and on this video here. She has also worked alongside the charity MENCAP, at a National level, on their Treat me Well campaign.


Through Inclusive Talent, Sarah has been able to secure work for her clients and push for accessibility and inclusion in the audition room, rehearsal room and on set. She has developed relationships with casting and production professionals to ensure that there are no barriers to her clients being able to work.


Sarah provides access consultancy to broadcasters, streamers, TV & film companies, film festivals and other organisations within the industry. From developing company access riders, to speaking with employees about accessibility on and off set, Sarah is available to consult in this area. To find out more, please complete our contact form.


Sarah also created the international fundraiser #SongToMonologue actor (and non-actor!) challenge to raise money for the charity Newlife, who provide essential equipment to disabled children. The challenge is open to all and asks participants to deliver song lyrics as a monologue and then 'Donate their Daily' - the price of their daily coffee. More on this can be found on the link below.

Healthcare Passports

Sarah has been working alongside clinical staff at her local NHS trust to develop a 'Healthcare Passport' for children.


It was important to Sarah that a 'reasonable adjustments' section was added, so that needs are identified straight away to make the process of being in hospital an easier one.


The passport is a document that allows the most important patient information to be on hand at the point of arrival. The document can be shared between all clinical staff involved with the patient's care and saves the need to have to reiterate this information over again to different parties. It also includes important information such as how best to administer medication and the likes and dislikes of the patient.


For those needing a passport, a downloadable copy can be found below, or by clicking on the photo to the right.


Image Description: Photo of the front of a healthcare passport. It has a blue background and a traffic light system across it - red for things you must know about me, orange for Things that are important to me and green for likes and dislikes. The NHS logo is on the passport too and a hospital address.

Photo of the front of a healthcare passport. It has a blue background and a traffic light system across it - red for things you must know about me, orange for Things that are important to me and green for likes and dislikes. The NHS logo is on the passport too and a hospital address.

Changing Places toilet installed at acute hospital

Sarah has been campaigning for a Changing Places toilet to be installed at her local acute hospital since presenting to the trust board in 2022. 


Work was complete in February 2024 and the new Changing Places toilet is now open for visitors in Lister Hospital, Stevenage. The toilet includes an adult size change bed, hoist and privacy screen.


Sarah says "The toilet is life-changing to us and to many other families who access the hospital. Unless admitted, we had nowhere to change our son other than a toilet floor. This should not be happening in 2024. I'm pleased that advocacy won and we now have a more accessible toilet facility at the hospital."


Image Description: An accessible Changing Places toilet with blue and white walls, an adjustable adult size change bed and a hoist. Also in the room is a mirror on the wall, a bin with a yellow bag, a lower sink, handwash and paper towel.

An accessible Changing Places toilet with blue and white walls, an adjustable adult size change bed and a hoist. Also in the room is a mirror on the wall, a bin with a yellow bag, a lower sink, handwash and paper towel.

Treat me Well campaign

In addition to developing hospital passports, Sarah has worked alongside the charity Mencap for their Treat me Well campaign - helping to highlight what accessible and equal healthcare looks like.


There is still a huge disparity and inequality in the way patients who have a learning disability are treated. This became even more apparent when DNACPR orders were placed on individuals, during the Covid-19 pandemic, without consent from individuals and their carers.


There is a long way to go but the documentary content from Inclusivity Films hopes to highlight these issues further and promote equality across all healthcare settings. 


Image Description: Pink speech bubble with a heartbeat line across it in white and the words Treat me well 

Pink speech bubble with a heartbeat line across it in white and the words Treat me well


The #SongToMonologue actor challenge first started in May 2020. Sarah had seen that actor challenges were becoming popular during lockdown and that NEWLIFE, like many charities, were losing funds through the pandemic. NEWLIFE had helped Sarah's family by providing a safe bed for her son, Nate, and she decided that this would be a good way to give back to them.


The challenge asked actors (and non-actors alike!) to find a song, deliver the lyrics as a monologue, post to Instagram with #SongToMonologue & tag in the charity NEWLIFE, and then 'Donate their Daily' - price of their usual coffee - to the charity. 


The challenge was a huge success and resulted in two group videos being made - one with actors and a second with families.


Image Description: Newlife logo - the words newlife in blue and the charity for disabled children in pink. A stick outline person hugging a smaller person in pink.


#SongToMonologue was brought back a second time in December 2021 and asked people to take part with Christmas songs (or favourite ones).

Newlife logo - the words newlife in blue and the charity for disabled children in pink. A stick outline person hugging a smaller person in pink.

Sarah delivers talk at the Royal College of Nursing on accessibility to healthcare

Founder of Inclusivity Films, Sarah Leigh, was invited to talk at the launch of the 100 years of Learning Disability Nursing exhibition at the Royal College of Nursing in London. She spoke about her advocacy work on developing healthcare passports for children with learning disabilities and complex needs, her experiences of accessing healthcare for her son, and the importance of reasonable adjustments.


Sarah said “There’s much to do but there are ways to make healthcare more accessible and inclusive & to uphold basic human rights.”


Sarah shared the panel with Gavin Harding, the first person with a learning disability to be awarded an MBE; Sarah Wright, a nurse who works alongside Gavin at NHS England; Professor Bob Gates from the University of West London; and virtually Dr Owen Barden & Dr Steven Walden. 


Image Description:

Sarah Leigh sits at a table alongside 3 others. There are mics at the table and a pink screen has a holding card that reads Parent advocay and hospital passports.

Photo of a panel at an event. Two men and two women sit on the panel.
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